High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys

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  1. ajschainsaws

    Steam Locomotives and Such.

    I got sent this video thought I would share it I've seen the war bonnets on this stretch of railway https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGexax1SY/
  2. ajschainsaws

    The Official Farming Thread...

    Didn’t realise something like this was available I coulda saved a lot of tyres with this patch Thanks for posting it up
  3. ajschainsaws

    The Official Farming Thread...

    Thanks it’s been a chore this winter with all the wet weather Working in clay
  4. ajschainsaws

    The Official Farming Thread...

    The woven wire is 32”
  5. ajschainsaws

    The Official Farming Thread...

    Here's some otter fencing we done back in January
  6. ajschainsaws

    The Official Farming Thread...

    Here's some photos of the normal stock fence and corner posts and boxes
  7. ajschainsaws

    The Official Farming Thread...

    Cows and sheep most of it is government grant fencing
  8. ajschainsaws

    The Official Farming Thread...

    There’s plenty over here that’ll jump and get through anything But overall the stock are in smaller fields over here And get used too there enclosures
  9. ajschainsaws

    The Official Farming Thread...

    We usually use 7 foot corners 5ft 6” in betweeners and 7ft strainers and turners and 7ft box posts All in Douglas fir treated. That will be stock fencing 1 roll of wire two strands of Barb wire And then there’s the deer fencing 6ft netting with 9ft in betweeners and 10 foot corners I...
  10. ajschainsaws

    The Official Farming Thread...

    I had another look at the photo and they do look short but they are 6 foot in betweeners Next week will be doing 7ft strainers and corner posts
  11. ajschainsaws

    Firewood thread!!! Let's see what you got!!!!

    The other guys been using this big splitter for splitting chestnut for fencing Ive been sharpening posts and cutting up the bad splits for firewood
  12. ajschainsaws

    Firewood thread!!! Let's see what you got!!!!

    Three red ones making some rounds
  13. ajschainsaws

    Firewood thread!!! Let's see what you got!!!!

    Too wet for fencing at the moment been ringing up firewood for splitting tidying up everything that's too big for the processor
  14. ajschainsaws

    The Official Farming Thread...

    I missed this big boy splitting the stakes hopefully will see it in action soon
  15. ajschainsaws

    The Official Farming Thread...

    Yesterday's Job sharpening out sweet chestnut stakes with the chain saw
  16. ajschainsaws

    The Official Farming Thread...

    Luckily that don't happen too many times Jim but it sucks when it's a breeding Bull
  17. ajschainsaws

    Any Chinese chainsaw and chinese parts discussion

    Iam waiting like lots of others there’s plenty of eyes watching for all the different versions I had a Quick Look on aliexpress last night at the Topwe and it’s pretty close a copy Then started looking at other stuff and nearly ended up buying a twin cylinder engine For my push bike ha ha
  18. ajschainsaws

    Any Chinese chainsaw and chinese parts discussion

    Thanks for putting that up worth a punt even if it’s just too check what parts are the same
  19. ajschainsaws

    Random pics (that you took) thread...

    Yeah they are all gettin on a bit now
  20. ajschainsaws

    The Official Farming Thread...

    Just done a garden fence too wet in the fields hope our wet season finishes soon