High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys

Recent content by thedude74

  1. thedude74

    Let's Talk About Bill G

  2. thedude74

    Dolmar 64xx/73xx/79xx series, smurfs and solo 665/675/681 thread

    Question about the Makita 6100. Do they have any inherit problems or issues? How well do they do pulling 24" with full comp in softwood? Are parts getting scarce like the other Makita/Dollars? What's a clean low hour used one worth? Will my wife be pissed if she finds out I bought yet...
  3. thedude74

    Any Chinese chainsaw and chinese parts discussion

    @Hoser 288 oiler issues Not sure what that brass plug in the photo is. Neither my OEM husky case or FT case have that. Id check the oil output adjustment screw and make sure it's not in between one of the four settings. Might have to pull the oil pump and check the Oring inside and make sure...
  4. thedude74

    Let's Talk About Bill G

    Funny you mentioned it Bill. I'd never heard of "Osage orange" either until a few years ago when a neighbor who is originally from Illinois brought some seeds up here and was talking to the Alaska DNR about being allowed to plant them here. I always knew them simply as hedge apple trees.
  5. thedude74

    Let's Talk About Bill G

    I haven't seen those since living in Iowa. That Osage orange burns hot from what I remember.
  6. thedude74

    Stihl 361 Junkyard Zombie Mutant

    Oh yeah. I didn't think of that.
  7. thedude74

    Stihl 361 Junkyard Zombie Mutant

    Good to see your progress. It will be interesting to see the results of the double base gasket. A cheap piston would be nice to grind on and play with port timing.
  8. thedude74

    Stihl 361 Junkyard Zombie Mutant

    The clone has been good overall once sorted out. Lost a clutch spring after maybe ten tanks. The chain tensioner threads were messed up from the get go. A carb screw was also stripped. The nylon filter let's some fines through....not terrible though. Minor stuff really. All the other parts are...
  9. thedude74


    91,92,93 DL 28" 3/8" are all back in stock too
  10. thedude74


    Some 404 for ya Bill
  11. thedude74

    Let's Talk About Bill G

    Morning gentlemen. Another beautiful day. Hope it's starting to dry out down there. It's been a fairly wet spring here as well. Fighting a cold at the moment. Slept on the recliner last night in a NyQuil induced coma.. Boy that stuff will give a guy some strange dreams.🤣
  12. thedude74

    Let's Talk About Bill G

    Is it because it's crooked? 😁
  13. thedude74


    Last 100' roll I got was Oregon 72 LGX on eBay. The seller, from Canada, had it listed under some odd ball category. Got it for $139....no one else bid on it.
  14. thedude74

    So what did you do today?

    Milling some 6x6 on the old sawmill....to setup the new sawmill.
  15. thedude74


    Don't have one on hand....but did find this info.